Letter H.P., 2014, archival ink on cinese paper, 2 drawings, 130cm x 97cm each, (detail)

These works draw on correspondence: a letter of Jacques Vaché to André Breton, a letter of Emily Dickinson to her sister-in-law, Susan (Friday Forenoon), a letter of a Greek political prisoner in Corfu prison to his daughter (Letter H.P.). I have transcribed the letters in pencil, erased them, and then enlarged and traced in ink what was left of the writing.
In Jacques Vaché and Friday Forenoon I have used my own handwriting while in Letter H.P. I have traced H.P’s handwriting.
What remains ultimately is a trace, which hints at the presence of the text, and alludes to the relationship between memory and oblivion, between recording and erasing.


Jacques Vaché, 2013, archival ink on cinese paper, 3 drawings,
147cm x 77cm each.








      Jacques Vaché, 2013, detail          


Friday Forenoon, 2014, archival ink on cinese paper, 5 drawings,
147cm x 77cm each.



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